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5 Common Mistakes to Avoid with Your 401(k) Retirement Account

Investing in a 401k retirement plan is a significant step toward securing your financial future. However, it’s easy to make mistakes that can cost you time, money, and peace of mind. Whether you’re just starting your career or approaching retirement, here are five common mistakes to avoid with your 401(k) retirement account. 1. Not Contributing …

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what to do in a recession or stock market crash as a nurse

5 things to do in a Stock Market Crash

A stock market crash or recession can have far-reaching impacts on all sectors of the economy, and healthcare is no exception. As a nurse, you may feel anxious about job security, financial stability, and the overall economic environment. However, nursing is a profession with unique strengths and opportunities, even in tough economic times. This blog …

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True Meaning of Financial Freedom

7 Biggest Wealth Lessons from Psychology of Money for Nurses Aspiring to Achieve Financial Freedom

One of my favorite finance books is Psychology of Money by Morgan Housel. Unlike many financial books that focus on numbers and strategies, Housel’s work delves into the psychological aspects of money management, offering timeless wisdom that I think is sometimes more important.  I want to share with you the 4 Wealth Lessons from this …

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How to Retire Early as a nurse in 8 steps

How to Retire Early as a Nurse in 8 Easy Steps

Sometimes, we don’t get the opportunity to live the life we want because we are stuck with a tedious job that consumes our time and just makes us tired. However, our jobs can stop being a burden to us when know how to retire early. Retirement should be one of your financial goals since that’s how …

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Retirement Planning for Nurses

Do You Need a Financial Advisor as A Nurse? Retirement Planning with Rizek Housari CFP

April 22, 2024 Episode 15: Do You Need a Financial Advisor as A Nurse? Retirement Planning with Rizek Housari CFP In today’s episode, I talked with a CFP (Certified Financial planner) and CPA (Certified Public Accountant) Rizek Housari about Retirement Planning for Nurses. I asked Rizek the struggles of most of his clients who works in …

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