When I was a newly graduate nurse, there wasn’t any electronic medical records , instead, “nursing flowsheets” were used. This is where vital signs, intake & output, assessment/treatment plan for patients were documented.  In a way, this blog served as a place where I documented my experiences in nursing.

Eventually, I decided to write about my life experiences and my journey to financial freedom. 

MY WHY: How Nursing Flowsheet became a personal finance blog

Most nurses are not taught how to invest their hard-earned money. I came from a family of nurses and most of them worked many years until retirement. They didn’t open another retirement account besides their employer offered 401K. My mom had to wait until retirement age to get some sort of income after being disabled due to a back injury she endured from working as a bedside nurse. Some of my nursing friends didn’t even have an emergency fund and is living paycheck to paycheck on a $70K a year salary! 

 I grew up in a household that never talked about money. I realized as I got older that I had a bad relationship with money not because I am bad with money, but because I was never taught about money. One of my biggest money mistake is withdrawing from my retirement money from my 401k to spend on luxury bags and new car. Yikes.

The first step to building wealth is financial education. That’s why here at Nursing Flowsheet- you will gain the basic knowledge and understanding of how money works.

My goal is to teach about financial education so you can make your money WORK FOR YOU, not the other way around. I don’t want you to feel anger or shame around money. By having financial literacy, I am hoping that you will be more confident in managing your finances and eventually invest so you can build wealth as a nurse.

Nurse Who Invests


Hi, It’s Ellaine!

I worked as ICU nurse before becoming a certified Nurse Practitioner. Since having children, I decided that I need to be more financially responsible so I started aggressively investing in 2019 through individual retirement accounts, ROTH IRA, individual brokerage accounts and real estate.

 I was able to build a 6 figure portfolio in less than 3 years and pay off $20,000 in student loan debt.

I learned personal finance through books, courses and have decided in 2021 to become a Certified Financial Education Instructor (CFEI) through the National Financial Educators Council. I love all topics in personal finance but my bread & butter is investing – I am in the process of getting my Series 65 license.

Get to know me more:

👉Myers-Briggs/Enneagram: INFJ, Enneagram 2

👉 I have been writing since I was in Elementary School. I was the Features Editor for our school newspaper for 3 years, joined writing competitions all throughout my high school. My dream job was to be a journalist and book author.

👉 Zodiac sign: Libra Sun (no wonder I am so indecisive & want to balance work/life ALL the time lol), Gemini Rising, Taurus Moon. My Human Design is Projector.

👉Coffee order: PSL (yep, im an autumn girly) but some days i’m also basic & just want a cup of Americano.

👉Influential Read: Big Magic by Elizabeth Gilbert

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