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Living Intentionally in 2022

If COVID-19 has taught us anything over these last few weeks and months, it’s allowed us to redefine how we live our lives. Everyone’s lives have been turned with people losing jobs, quitting their jobs or working remotely. Some people have not seen their families for a long time, and some have been stuck with …

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Is it better to DCA or Lump Sum Invest?

Happy New Year, Friends! It’s that time of the year again when the contribution limit for our investment accounts reset. I have been asked a lot of times if it’s better to invest with DCA (Dollar Cost Average) or Lump Sum? First of all, what is DCA? What is lump sum investing? Some things to …

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Ways to Save and Budget for the Holidays

It’s December and the holiday season is fast approaching. One thing I love about the holidays is time with family, shopping, traveling, attending parties and of course gifting! I don’t know about you, but it’s during the holiday season that I really splurge on spending for people I care about. Holiday Spending Statistics (Editor’s Choice) …

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What you need to know about Health Insurance

30 million U.S. residents lacked health insurance in the first half of 2020, according to newly released estimates from the National Health Interview Survey (NHIS). That’s nearly 10% of the US population. It represents the patients who come into our clinic and hospitals without coverage for an injury, condition or accident that can result in …

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