I love reading books and one of the things I did in my personal finance journey to gain knowledge about money is investing time and money with books.
Here are the top 6 personal finance books that are worth reading!
Wherever you are in your journey, these books will provide you with principles, strategies, and inspiration to get you closer to your financial goals!
1. Rich Dad Poor Dad: BY ROBERT KIYOSAKI
This is one the best books I read about personal finance. One of the things I learned from this book is that the poor and the middle class work for money. The rich have money work for them.
Kiyosaki states in the book that he learned to put his money to work for him and enjoy tax benefits of generating income that does NOT come from a paycheck.
“If you work for money, you give the power to your employer,” Kiyosaki writes. “If money works for you, you keep the power and control it.”
I wish I learned about this sooner in my career. I became a nurse when I was 21 but never really understood tax write offs, investing money and starting side hustles.

Since started investing, I found that this book helped a lot in understanding about slow and steady investment strategies. This book uses Jack Bogle’s (late founder of Vanguard) principles/methods.
More insights from like-minded investors can be found on the Bogleheads community forum.
3.Broke Millennial: Stop Scraping By and Get Your Financial Life TogetherBY ERIN LOWRY
As a millennial myself, I found that this is a good book to learn step-by-step guide on how to go from broke to “financial badass.”
What I like about this book is the focus on helping you go from paycheck to paycheck or broke, to being more financially secure and independent. With the student loan crisis and inflation issues plaguing the United States, many millennials feel doomed or stuck to be broke forever.
4. Think and Grow RichBY NAPOLEON HILL
This is a classic book and deemed to be an oldie but goodie.
It is motivational and great for those wanting to achieve their goals. This book will show you not only what to do to build wealth but how to do it. Once you learn and apply the basic techniques, you will have mastered the secret of true and lasting success.
5. I Will Teach You To Be Rich: No Guilt. No Excuses. No B.S. Just a 6-Week Program That WorksBY RAMIT SETHI
I actually listened to this book through audible app on the way to and from work. I love the quality of this book and how straightforward Sethi is when it comes to finance advices. The book was originally released over ten years ago, but more recently got an update with some new information.
Sethi cover’s everything from tackling debt, choosing the right banks and how to set your accounts up for success, how to invest, negotiating salary, and much more.
6. “Smart Women Love Money” BY ALICE FINN
Women don’t tend to invest as frequently as men, and “Smart Women Love Money” by Alice Finn isolates and attacks barriers standing in their way. I get so inspired whenever I see women especially those of color talk about investing. Finn’s book provides an overview of the challenges and unique financial circumstances women experience before turning to five steps to successful investing for women. These include investing in stocks for the long run, allocating assets and rebalancing a portfolio regularly.
Final Thoughts
Have you read any of these personal finance books? Which ones would you recommend?
Money is a tool that should be used and I learned that managing your finances will give you freedom to be able to manage your time better. Money should be used to your advantage and it’s very essential to know how to do that.
If you have any financial freedom books you recommend please comment below! I’m always looking for great books to add to my list!